With its cutting-edge approach to clinical research, the DELHI INSTITUTE OF CLINICAL RESEARCH AND PHARMACOVIGILANCE has quickly established itself as a leading clinical research institute.
A group of individuals with extensive experience in clinical research founded the institute in Delhi. Our goal is to offer top-notch clinical research education for professionals, together with flexible learning and teaching methodologies and strategic and applied research. Our goal is to strengthen relationships between our employees, students, and affiliated national and worldwide academic groups.
In order to create high-quality resources and match international research standards, we have begun our journey via a quality educational system for clinical research. We now have the domain knowledge necessary to effectively provide clinical research services to Life Science firms after nine years of having a close understanding of the development and practise of the clinical research sector.
Our Mission & Vision
All Indians take great satisfaction in their ability to advance science and technology and benefit both India and the world.
To offer integrated clinical research education courses that are identified and defined by value-education, a global perspective, and interdisciplinary learning.